Bio & Interests
I am a Boston-based writer, teacher, and philosopher who specializes in the ethics of technology, aesthetics & the philosophy of art, the phenomenology of time, and social & political philosophy. My current research focuses on the ethical, political, and phenomenological issues generated by the meteoric rise of modern digital and biomedical technologies. For example, I write and teach about how VR and XR technologies manipulate normative affordance structures within a broader techno-capital context, and how cyborg technologies (e.g., brain-computer interface like Neuralink) play into and deepen an ableist political aesthetic of cure. I am also a co-curator of the multimedia art and literature journal, field|guide (book / IG ), and I was recently the faculty advisor for Simpliciter, the Brandeis Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy
Full CV | Research | Teaching Information | Teaching Portfolio
Simpliciter just released their first edition!! You can find the online version here. The first edition includes excellent undergraduate papers on topics ranging from Levinas and the state to essentialism in the philosophy of science and the “Duty of Justice in the Modern Ghetto,” as well as an interview with Eli Hirsch. Print versions available soon.
CFA for “Video Games in the Philosophy Classroom,” an upcoming workshop at the Teaching Hub at the 2025 APA Eastern in New York, is now available. Hosted by Rebeccah Leiby and myself, this session will explore and interrogate the pedagogical value of integrating video games into the philosophical education.
Overcoming Life: Neuralink, Cyborgs, and the (An)aesthetics of Cure in The Journal of Technoetic Arts, ed. Dalila Honorato [forthcoming] (abstract)
“On Multiple Realities”: Fringes, Liminality, & Transitionalities Between Digital & Virtual World” in Finding Our Place in the Digital World, eds. Ian Werkheiser & Michael Butler (Springer) [forthcoming] (abstract)
“Shock Fronts: Merleau-Ponty, Richard Muller, and the Leading Edge of Now” in Space and Time: An Interdisciplinary Approach, ed. Jonas Čiurlionis (Vilnius University Press) [forthcoming] (abstract)
Neuralink Control Ontology & Cripborg (An)aesthetics: Over|coming Life (American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2024)
Overcoming Life: Neuralink, Cyborgs, and the Political (An)aesthetics of Cure (Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science, Malta Society of Arts, Valetta, Malta, Sept. 2023)
Shifting Between Worlds: XR, the Metaverse, and & Normative Zones of Experience (SPEP Version, TA&M, Oct. 2022 / IACAP Version, Santa Clara, June 2022)
Hyper-Reality: XR, Agency, & the Gaps Between Worlds (Invited Talk at The Prindle Ethics Institute at DePauw University, June 2022)
Synthetic Phenomenology & the Ethical Status of AI(Ethical Issues in AI & Computing Conference, Harvard/MIT, June 2022)
(Co)existing Between Worlds: Liminality, Affordances, & the Virtuality of the “Outer Wilds” (Digital Worlds Workshop, UTRGV, April 2022)
Simpliciter, Brandies University Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy