Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Specialization
Phenomenology (esp. of Time)
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art
Philosophy of Technology
Areas of Competence
Ethics (esp. of Technology)
Late Modern Philosophy (esp. Nietzsche & Heidegger)
Philosophy of Perception
Philosophy of Time
PhD. in Philosophy (Boston University, exp. May. 2020)
Dissertation: The Phenomenology of Time Consciousness in Art: Merleau-Ponty, Temporality, and the Rupture of Freedom
First Reader: Daniel Dahlstrom, Silber Professor of Philosophy (BU)
Second Reader: Allen Speight, Associate Professor of Philosophy (BU)
Third Reader: Walter Hopp, Associate Professor of Philosophy (BU)
M.A. in Philosophy (Boston University, May 2013)
Thesis: Nietzsche and Governance: Meritocracy, Democracy, and Agonal Oligarchy
First Reader: Paul Katsafanas, Associate Professor of Philosophy (BU)
Second Reader: Allen Speight, Associate Professor of Philosophy (BU)
B.A. in Philosophy and English Literature (DePauw University, May 2009)
Thesis Advisor: Deborah Geis, Raymond W. Pence Professor of English (DePauw)
Academic Appointments
Tufts University, Medford, MA, ExCollege Program, Visiting Lecturer, Spring 2021
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Teaching Fellow, 2019-present
Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity, William S. Minor Fellow, 2020
Boston University, Writing Department, Writing Fellow, 2018-2020
Teaching Experience
Courses with Full Responsibility
EXP-00xx: Virtual Reality: The Ethics of Future Technology (Spring 2021, Tufts ExCollege)
PH 150: Ethics (Summer 2021, Boston University)
WR 152 (Digital Writing & Research): Future, Futurism, & Technology (Spring 2020, BU)
WR 120 (Writing & Phil. Seminar): Art, Existentialism, & Authenticity (Fall 2019, BU)
WR 150 (Research & Phil. Seminar): Future, Futurism, & Technology (Spring 2019, BU)
WR 120: Through a Glass Darkly: Art, Existentialism, & Freedom (Fall 2018, BU)
PH 110: Great Philosophers (Summer 2015, Boston University)
Courses taught as a Teaching Fellow
GENED 1171: Justice in an Age of Pandemic & Racial Reckoning (Harvard, Prof. Sandel)
PH 100 OL: Introduction to Philosophy (Summer, 2020 BU Online, Prof. Hopp)
GOVT E-1063: Democracy and its Discontents (Spring, 2020 Harvard Extension, Prof. Gray)
GENED 1058: Tech Ethics: AI, Biotech, and the Future of Human Nature (Fall 2019, Harvard, Profs. Sandel and Melton)
PH 248: Existentialism (Spring 2018, BU, Prof. Hopp)
PH 155: Politics and Philosophy (Fall 2017, BU, Prof. Griswold)
PH 150: Intro to Ethics (Spring 2016, BU, Prof. Katsafanas)
PH 150: Intro to Ethics (Fall 2015, BU, Prof. Star)
PH 259: Philosophy and the Arts (Spring 2015, BU, Prof. Speight)
PH 251: Medical Ethics (Fall 2014, BU, Prof. Sherman)
PH 241: Philosophy of Personality (Fall 2013, BU, Prof. Kestenbaum)
Works in Progress/Under Review
“The Pleasantness of Pleasures: an Argument against Hedonistic Theories of Well-Being from the Non-Comparability of Pleasures,"”
“Shock Fronts: Merleau-Ponty, Richard Muller, and the Leading Edge of Now,”
“Sickness not unto Death: Convalescence and Nietzsche’s ‘Anti-Perfectionism’ about Health,”
Presentations and Conference Invitations
“Synthetic Phenomenologies: Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Positional Temporality” Technology and Coexistence: Phenomenological and Anthropological Perspectives, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy, February 2021.
“Immediacy, Presence, and Attention: Schutz, Tengelyi, and Merleau-Ponty on the Phenomenology of Creative Time” American Society for Aesthetics, National Meeting, Washington D.C., November 2020.
American Institute for Philosophical and Cultural Thought William S. Minor Fellowship Lecture, September, 2020. (Invited) (YouTube Link)
“Perceptual Presence, Perceptual Constancy, and the Aesthetic Temporality of Style” American Society for Aesthetics, Eastern Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 2020. (Postponed due to Covid-19)
“Immediacy, Presence, and Attention: Schutz, Tengelyi, and Merleau-Ponty on the Phenomenology of Creative Time” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 2020.
“Perceptual Presence, Perceptual Constancy, and the Aesthetic Temporality of Style” American Society for Aesthetics, National Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October 2019.
“Living Now: Sedimentation, Temporality, and Perspectival Lensing in Terrance Malick’s The Tree of Life” Gettysburg College Philosophy and Film Seminar, 'The Art of Modern Time: Film and the Representation of Temporality,' Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, April 2019.
“Perceptual Presence, Perceptual Constancy, and the Aesthetic Temporality of Style” American Society for Aesthetics, Eastern Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 2019.
“Sickness not unto Death: Convalescence and Nietzsche’s ‘Anti-Perfectionism’ about Health” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, New York, New York, January 2019.
“One Thing is Needful: Merleau-Ponty, Nietzsche, and the Style of Styles” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2018
“Shock Fronts: Merleau-Ponty, Richard Muller, and the Leading Edge of Now” The International Conference on Space and Time: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Vilnius University, Lithuania, September 2017.
“The Pleasantness of Pleasures: an Argument against Hedonistic Theories of Well-Being from the Non-Comparability of Pleasures"” Western Michigan University Graduate Conference in Philosophy, November 2016.
Awards and Fellowships
William S. Minor Dissertation Fellowship (Society for the Philosophy of Creativity), June 2020
Graduate Certificate in Teaching Writing (Boston University Writing Program), September 2020 (expected)
Departmental Nomination for the Boston University Center for Humanities Dissertation Fellowship, 2019
Irene H. Chayes Travel Grant (American Society of Aesthetics, National) 2019
Irene H. Chayes Travel Grant (American Society of Aesthetics, East), 2019 •
Summer Research Fellowship (BU Dept. of Philosophy), Summer 2019 •
Dissertation Research Travel Fellowship (BU Dept. of Philosophy), Summer 2019 •
Irene H. Chayes Travel Grant (American Society of Aesthetics, RMD), 2018 •
The Society for Applied Philosophy Event Grant for the 2018 BU Philosophy Grad. Conf., Fall 2017
Boston University Graduate Student Organization Travel Grant, Fall 2017
Boston University Summer Research Fellowship, 2016
Boston University Teaching Fellowship, 2014-2018
Boston University Qualifying Paper Funding, Summer 2015
Boston University Dean's Fellowship, 2013-2014
Professional Services, Etc
Co-President of the Boston University Philosophy Department Graduate Student Organization (2019-2020)
Organizer of : “Creative Time: Film, Poetry, and Disruptive Temporalities,” a five person panel for The Society for Philosophy and Creativity at the 2020 Eastern APA
Editing Assistant for Phenomenology (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy), 2020 (under Walter Hopp)
Research Assistant for an ongoing project on phenomenology and virtual reality (under Daniel Dahlstrom)
Co-Organizer of the 2018 Boston University Graduate Conference in Philosophy, titled “Social Implications: Applying Academic Philosophy Outside of the Academy.”
New Graduate Student Mentor, 2014-2018 • Organizer and Participant, BU Aesthetics and Phil. of Art Reading Group, 2014-2018
Organizer and Participant, BU Philosophy and Time Reading Group, 2018
Researcher and Assistant Editor for Kant and His Contemporaries, vol 2.: Aesthetics, History, Politics, and Religion, 2018 (under Daniel Dahlstrom)
Copy Editor for Routledge Philosophy Minds: Nietzsche, 2018 (under Paul Katsafanas)
Moderator at the 2016 and 2017 Boston Phenomenology Circle Symposium
Moderator at the 2016 Boston University Graduate Conference
Commentator for Matt Dill, "On Nietzsche's Evaluative Constituitivism," Spring 2016
Reviewer for the 2015 Boston University Graduate Conference
Language Skills
French (Alliance Française A2/B1, Marseille, France, Summer 2019)
German Reading
Professional Memberships
Research (R) and Teaching (T) References
Phone (office): 618-453-1882
Randall Auxier, PhD., Professor of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (R)
Phone (office): 617-353-2571
Daniel Dahlstrom, PhD., John R. Silber Professor of Philosophy, Chair of the Philosophy Department, Boston University (R)
Phone (office): 617-353-2571
Charles Griswold, PhD., Borden Parker Browne Professor of Philosophy, Boston University (T)
Phone (office): 617-353-2571
Walter Hopp, PhD., Associate Professor of Philosophy, Boston University (R/T)
Phone (office): 513-745-3827
Myron Jackson, PhD., Professor of Philosophy, Besl Chair of Ethics, Xavier University (R)
Phone (office): 617-353-2571
Paul Katsafanas, PhD., Associate Professor of Philosophy, Boston University (R/T)
Phone (office): 617-353-2571
Victor Kestenbaum, PhD., Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Boston University (R/T)
Phone (office): 617-495-2191
Samantha Matherne, PhD., Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University (R)
Phone (office): 617-495-2097
Michael Sandel, PhD., Anne T. & Robert M. Bass Professor of Government, Harvard University (T)
Phone (office): 617-353-2571
Allen Speight, PhD., Associate Professor Philosophy, Boston University (A/T)